it's also the only multi-player game (4 players vs a player as the "Hunter") that terrified the crap outta me. i'd give my left testicle for wheel support though. the only driving game that rings my bell using keyboard however is "Dying Light: The Following" mowing down zombies works for me (IMHO the best game EVER made). lemme know how it goes.īTW: appreciate feedback THOG. GDMF i been trying to find DX DIAGS on my PC i fuggin give up. i nulled ALL other inputs in games control file and told it to use MY DX designation (along with temporarily disabling flight gear). the KEY for me was the hex file from my DIRECTX PC SECTION. as long as u have original copied (rename back if need be). make a copy of your in-game control file (rename it, just put an X in front), and u can "null" other controllers and F with it all you want til it works. EZ to do really, i can help u if thats a prob. anyways, point is that the TM TMX wheel is what seems like i must get working in game.ĪAAAHHHH!!! actually u may have it there! if i member correctly i think i disabled my flight gear (stick/throttle/rudder pedals) from the control panel (devices and printers icon). i think its because i downloaded 360 controller emulater like the video, and mine is a ONE controller. i searched youtube, did the unsupported wheel xbox controller emulator downloaded for my xbox one controller and no work. So to be clear, you have it working 100 percent? wheel with feedback, pedals, and shifter? please do a step by step guide. could you please help out a noob such as myself? I have the TX wheel too, and i dont understand where those direct X hex numers are. If an idiot like ME could figure this out, I imagine someone with basic programming skills and 40 years less substance abuse could easily make a PATCH for stick support! im sure this would work for other wheels (maybe not all, but worth a try). The game is USELESS without a wheel, and KICK-ARSE with one IMHO. only glitch is i often have to re-enter the button commands again, which takes about 1 minute, well worth the time to be able to play. my Wheel works like a champ! even my pedals and Force-Feedback work. Made certain that my wheel was the only controller enabled (my flight stick,throttle, and rudder pedals confused the game). Originally posted by Beelzeboob:i got my Hex number from my DirectX folder for my Thrustmaster TMX wheel, renamed the nearest equivelant TM wheel from the Driver "input" folder and renamed all the other Hex folders "Null-xxxxx" (so i still had them w/o the game seeing them).